Proud Teacher

How do we know what we are doing is actually working?

As teachers we are constantly collecting, analysing and actioning data from standardised tests, reports and any other outcomes based feedback approach that may exist.

How can teachers do that with a Course where there are NO outcomes, NO tests, NO framework? That is the dilemma of Life Design teachers.



Along comes an external individual who is passionate about changing the way schools approach learning. With the connection made between the College and iValue initiated some time before my arrival, it came as somewhat a shock to receive an email in the early hours of a Saturday morning outlining a visit from iValue who will be videoing some students first thing Monday morning. In addition to the video, students were to be ready for impromptu questions about their experiences in Life Design.

This is a ‘light bulb’ moment, the moment in time where everything we have been working on aligns and is showcased so eloquently by the students. With a video camera in their face, no preparation time and some encouragement from teachers, these students were able to answer a multitude of questions regarding their Life Design journey over the past 3 years. The more questions asked, the more detail students gave and the more they were happy to share their experiences and learning. Each were able to provide several pieces of evidence to support their key learning moments and show how they have evolved as a person.

The student responses, the passion shown on their face, the confidence in which they answered, is all the evidence a Life Design teacher needs to know what we do IS indeed working.

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